What Do You Want Me To Know?

“Be still, and know…”
  • Psalm 46:10
This morning as I was languishing in bed fighting the daily 4:30-5 a.m. mind-over-mattress battle, these were the words that kept rattling around in my head. While I can’t speak for you, I can speak for me and say that God does not speak in deep theological paragraphs to me – after all He made me and He knows my limited mental bandwidth…especially at 5 a.m.
On top of this, He also knows that the simpler He can make things for me the quicker I “get it.” There was a time in my life that I used to get a nudge from Him and I’d spend hours upon hours seeking, searching and knowing that there was some real deep message that He was trying to get me to see. Through time, I have realized that God does not play hide-and-seek or the hot-cold game with our hearts. He’s pretty straight forward.  
When we examine God’s word, it is full of one clear promise for those that go looking for Him. He does not mince words - “if you look for me, you will find me; I will answer you!”
  • “I love those who love me, and those who seek me diligently find me.” – Proverbs 8:17
  • “…the one who seeks finds…” – Matt. 7:8
  • “You will seek me and find me, when you seek me with all your heart.” – Jeremiah 29:13
  • “Call to me and I will answer you…” – Jeremiah 33:3
So this morning as I finally gave into the voice that was calling me to my quiet place outside on my deck, I sat back with the question that I never had asked Him about that simple verse – “what is it that You want me to know this morning Father?”
And He answered “I want you to know that…
I love you
I love our time together
I love to hear you laugh
I’ll hold you when you cry
I want you to make me a priority
I want to hear your heart’s desires and fears
I want you to listen
I want you to find your peace in me
I want you to dance
I want you to sing
I’m fighting for you
Nothing – NOTHING – will keep me from loving you
I want you to lay down your life
I want you to seek me with all your heart
I want you to KNOW I’m here for you and will never leave you
I formed you
I made you
I will fill you up daily
My love never lets go
I’m in control
I don’t need your help
I want your obedience
I Am”
As I wrapped up my time this morning, I couldn’t help but smile like my children do to me when I affirm my feelings for them and look to His face and say a simple heart felt “I know.”

Thank you Father for my nudge this morning.

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